Angela Kelsey

Tell the Story

intention and the 10,000-hour rule

Filed in Writing :: June 28, 2010

Today is the 21st and last day of Bindu Wiles‘ original 21.5.800 (5 days of yoga each week and 800 words each day) challenge. On Day 14, I wrote about the middle, and that post really needs a Part 2 here at the end of the first 21 days, and before the ten-day extension begins […]

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newsflash: muse thrives with daily attention

Filed in Writing :: June 13, 2010

Today is the sixth day of 21.5.800, the brilliant yoga and writing challenge from (I’m having trouble with my links–please click on the purple badge to the left for now.) Bindu challenges participants to 21 days in which we do yoga five times per week and write 800 words every day. My yoga practice […]

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Hialeah, Florida, now and then and then

Filed in voices, Writing :: April 30, 2010

If I were to tell you that Hialeah, Florida is the fifth-largest city in Florida, smaller only than Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, and St. Petersburg, and bigger than Orlando or Ft. Lauderdale, you might imagine a big city with tall office buildings and “good” shopping and dining.  And I would have misled you. Hialeah has the […]

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